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Alteration of date of birth of a Government Servant

Dopt orders on alteration of date of birth of a Government Servant – reiteration of the instructions.

Rule 56 of Fundamental Rules states that except as otherwise provided in the rule, every Government servant will retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age of sixty years. Provided that a Government servant whose date of birth is the first of a month shall retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month on attaining the age of sixty years.

F.No.19017/1/2014-Estt (A-IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi-110 001
Dated : 16th December, 2014


Subject : Alteration of date of birth of a Government Servant - reiteration of the instructions.

Rule 56 of Fundamental Rules states that except as otherwise provided in the rule, every Government servant will retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age of sixty years.

Provided that a Government servant whose date of birth is the first of a month shall retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month on attaining the age of sixty years.

2. As per Note 6 below the aforesaid Rule, the date of on which a Government servant attains the age of fifty-eight years or sixty years, as the case may be, shall be determined with reference to the date of birth declared by the Government servant at the time of appointment and accepted by the Appropriate Authority on production, as far as possible, of confirmatory documentary evidence such as High School or Higher Secondary or Secondary School Certificate or extracts from Birth Register. The date of birth so declared by the Government servant and accepted by the Appropriate Authority shall not be subject to any alteration except as specified in this note. An alteration of date of birth of a Government servant can be made, with the sanction of a Ministry or Department of the Central Government, or the Comptroller and Auditor-General in regard to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, or an Administrator of a Union Territory under which the Government servant is serving, if —

(a) a request in this regard is made within five years of his entry into Government service;

(b) it is clearly established that a genuine bona fide mistake has occurred; and

(c) the date of birth so altered would not make him ineligible to appear in any School or University of Union Public Service Commission examination in which he had appeared, or for entry into Government service on the date on which he first appeared at such examination or on the date on which he entered Government service.

3. The Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal No.502 of 1993 — Union of India Vs. Harnam Singh — Judgement dated 9th February, 1993 had observed that :
“Inordinate and unexplained delay or laches on the part of the respondent to seek the necessary correction would in any case have justified the refusal of relief to him. His inaction for all this period of about thirty five years from the date of joining service, therefore precludes him from showing that the entry of his date of birth in service record was not correct”.

The observations of the Apex Court was also circulated to all Ministries and Departments of the Government of India vide OM No.19017/2/92-Estt.(A) dated 19-5-1993.

4. All the Ministries and Departments are requested to keep the above in view while processing cases of requests for changes of date of birth.

5. Hindi version follows.

Under Secretary to the Government of India


Modified Assured Career Progression Schem

Recommendations of the Screening Committee henceforth be placed before the Appointing Authority of the post in both cases where the Committee is constituted in the Ministry/Department or in other cases for approval with regard to grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme.

No.35034/3/2008-Estt(D) (Vol.II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
New Delhi 110001
Dated the 10th December, 2014


Subject:- Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Employee-Clarification regarding.

The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Para 5 of the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme issued vide the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No. 35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated May 19, 2009 providing that the recommendations of the Screening Committee shall be placed before the Secretary in cases where the Committee is constituted in the Ministry/Department or before the Head of the organisation/competent authority in other cases for approval.

2. References have been received from various Ministries/Departments with regard to delegation of powers of Secretary to a Joint Secretary level officer as a large number of files on various matters are referred to the Secretary for approval and it is an administrative matter of routine nature which can be disposed of at the level of Joint Secretary.

3. The matter has been considered in this Department and it has been decided that the recommendations of the Screening Committee henceforth be placed before the Appointing Authority
of the post in both cases where the Committee is constituted in the Ministry/Department or in other cases for approval with regard to grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme.

4. Ministries/Departments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned including their attached and subordinate offices.

(Mukta Goel)

Source :

Immovable Property Return for the year 2014 (as on 31.12.2014) – submission through

Immovable Property Return for the year 2014 (as on 31.12.2014) – submission through – regarding

Govt. servants will be required to file annual property return as per existing provisions of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 also. Accordingly, all CSS Officers are directed to file immovable property return by 31.1.2015.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003
Dated : 16th January, 2015.


Subject : Immovable Property Return for the year 2014 (as on 31.12.2014) – submission through – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to state that, as all are aware, CS.II Division, Department of Personnel & Training is the custodian of Annual Immovable Property Return (IPR) in respect of CSS officers of Under Secretary and above levels.

2. As Ministries / Departments are aware that all Government servants are now required to file information and returns regarding movable and immovable property under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013. In this regard, queries have been received as to whether there is any need for public servants to file property returns under the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, in addition to information and returns under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013. The matter has been examined in this Department and it has since been clarified vide O.M.No. 407/12/2014 –AVD –IV (B) dated 13.01.2015 (Para 7 (b) of the OM refers) that Govt. servants will be required to file annual property return as per existing provisions of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 also. Accordingly, all CSS Officers are directed to file immovable property return by 31.1.2015.

3. As already informed, IPR should be submitted by all CSS Officers through the Web Based Cadre Management System which is hosted at Print out of the IPR submitted online in respect of US and above level officers of CSS should also be submitted to CS.I Division as it being the custodian of IPR of these officers. The procedure for filing IPR is reiterated as under :

(i) Login to the system at by using the userid and password. In case of any difficulty in login please contact the nodal officer of the Ministry / Department for assistance. The generic Userid is eight digit date of birth followed by first four letters of name. Userid is also the employee code assigned to individual officers in the web based system. If the password is blocked, nodal officers can reset the password of individual employees by using the ‘reset password’ facility in the Tools Menu on the top of the screen. They can also provide ‘Employee Code’ from the system to individual officers to enable them to login to the system.

(ii) Verify whether personal details are reflected in the system correctly. To verify the details click on the ‘Employee Details’ button. If the details are not correct, first have them rectified through Admin. Division of concerned Department before processing further.

(iii) Click ‘IPR’ button on the top and then click on ‘Immovable Property Returns’ icon;

(iv) Click ‘Add button’ and select IPR Year ‘2014’ ;

(v) In case the officer does not own any immovable property in terms of CCS (Conduct) Rules, click ‘Submit NIL Report’ button ;

(vi) In case the officer owns any immovable property click ‘Add New Property Details’. If the officer owns more than one property the procedure has to be repeated till all the property details are added ;

(vii) After adding property details as mentioned above, click ‘Close’ button ;

(viii) Then click ‘Final Submission of IPR’ to submit the report ;

(ix) Select ‘2014’ under ‘IPR Year’ and click ‘View’. The report as submitted by the officer will be viewed. Then click ‘Print Report’ at the bottom of the screen to take a print out of the report. Sign the hardcopy of the report and submit to Admin Division / Vigilance Division of the Department who will in turn forward the same to CS.I Division for records ; and,

(x) In case IPR is already submitted online last year, first click ‘Add button’ and then click ‘Copy Property Details from Last Year’s IPR for Current Year’ button. Thereafter click ‘modify’ button and submit it, if there is no change in the IPR details furnished last year. In case IPR is submitted online for the first time, then do not click the button ‘Copy Property Details from Last Year’s IPR for Current Year’ instead click ‘Add New Property Details’.

4. Ministries / Departments are requested that the contents of this O.M. may be widely circulated to the notice of all CSS officers working under their control. They should also ensure that the IPR for the year 2014 (as on 31.12.2014) is submitted by all officers within the stipulated period of 31.01.2015 without fail. Only the print out taken from the IPR module of the web based cadre management system in respect of Under Secretary and above level officers CSS should be forwarded to CS.I Division for records.

5. In case of any difficulty, please contact CMC officials who have developed Web Based Cadre Management System at Telephone No.24629890.

(Kameshwar Mishra)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Source Document from

Revision of Income Tax criteria to exclude socially advanced person / sections ( Creamy layers ) from the purview or the reservation for Other Backward Classes ( OBCs) - income limit raised to Rs 6 lakh.

  OBC creamy layer income limit raised to Rs 6 lakh. In a politically significant decision, the Union cabinet on Thursday raised the creamy layer restriction on annual income from Rs4.5 lakh to Rs6 lakh for enjoying the reservation under the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) category.

1. View DOPT Order dtd 27.05.2013 : ( for the reservation for  OBCs)

2. View Ministry of Human Resource Department  (MHRD) Order dtd 31.05.2013 
( For Central Educational Institutions )

केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों को तगड़ा झटका

केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों को तगड़ा झटका

सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट आने तक कोई अंतरिम राहत नहीं, डीए का वेतन में मर्जर भी नहीं

अजय तिवारी/एसएनबी नई दिल्ली। दस हजार करोड़ रपए का सालाना बोझ आने की वजह से सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट आने तक केंद्र सरकार न तो कर्मचारियों को अंतरिम राहत देगी और न डीए का वेतन में मर्जर करेगी। सातवें वेतन आयोग ने भी केंद्र सरकार के 34 लाख कर्मचारियों को दो हजार रपए महीने की अंतरिम राहत देने और वेतन में डीए के मर्जर से मना कर दिया है। कर्मचारियों की इन दोनों मांगों के सम्बंध में सातवें वेतन आयोग के अध्यक्ष न्यायमूर्ति अशोक कुमार माथुर ने टका सा जवाब दे दिया है कि अंतरिम राहत और डीए का वेतन में मर्जर जैसे मुद्दे आयोग के र्टम्स -रिफ्रेंस में नहीं हैं। जब कर्मचारियों का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाली जेसीएम (ज्वाइंट कंस्लटेटिव मशीनरी) ने आयोग के सामने दोनों मांगें रखीं तो आयोग ने कहा कि वित्त मंत्रालय या कार्मिक मंत्रालय से लिखित पत्र मंगा दिया जाए तभी वो इस विषय में कुछ कर सकते हैं। जेसीएम ने वित्त मंत्रालय और कार्मिक मंत्रालय दोनों से बात की, लेकिन दोनों मंत्रालयों ने यह कहते हुए अंतरिम राहत और डीए मर्जर से इनकार कर दिया कि सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट नियत 18 महीने (अगस्त 2015) में आ जाएगी। हालांकि वेतन आयोगों का पिछला इतिहास रहा है कि इसकी रिपोर्ट आने में दो साल का वक्त लगा है। कर्मचारियों को कहना यह भी है कि छठे वेतन आयोग की कुछ सिफारिशों को लेकर अभी भी विसंगति बनी है। जेसीएम के अध्यक्ष एम. राघवैया ने ‘राष्ट्रीय सहारा‘ से कहा कि यह दलील भी सरकार ने अस्वीकार कर दी कि जो अंतरिम राहत दी जाए उसे सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट आने पर समायोजित कर लिया जाए। उन्होंने बताया कि वेतन में डीए का मर्जर जनवरी 2014 से करने का आग्रह किया गया था। राघवैया ने माना कि अंतरिम राहत (सालाना 800 करोड़ रपए) और डीए मर्जर पर लगभग 10 हजार करोड़ रपए का खर्च आएगा। उधर सातवें वेतन आयोग की टीम 11 से 14 जनवरी तक कोलकाता और अंडमान निकोबार द्वीप समूह जाकर कर्मचारियों के विचार जानेगी। जनवरी में उसे दिल्ली में जेसीएम और दूसरी सभी कर्मचारी फेडरेशन से पहले दिए मांग पत्र पर एविडेंस बैठक करनी थी। अब यह बैठक फरवरी में ही होगी। जेसीएम के महासचिव शिवगोपाल मिश्रा ने कहा कि सरकार की सफाई के बाद भी कर्मचारियों के जेहन से नौकरी की आयु घटाकर 58 वर्ष करने का डर नहीं गया है। उन्होंने कहा कि नौकरी की उम्र 62 साल करने की मांग को ठंडा करने के लिए सरकार ने 58 साल उम्र करने की बातें फैलाई हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि कर्मचारियों को अंतरिम राहत और डीए मर्जर जैसी सुविधाएं न देना कर्मचारी विरोधी कदम है। उन्होंने कहा कि मजदूर संगठनों ने यह मुद्दे छोड़े नहीं हैं, बल्कि सारे मजदूर संगठनों की राय एक है और इस पर संघर्ष किया जाएगा। मिश्रा ने कहा कि रेलवे में पेंशन का मुद्दा भी गंभीर है। 34 लाख कर्मचारी होंगे प्रभावित जेसीएम ने वित्त मंत्रालय और कार्मिक मंत्रालय से की बात.
Is msg ko jitna ho sake central government employees tak pahuchana h taki agali bar votes dene se pehele dhyan rakhe

एक नन्हीं चींटी

(इस कथा के सभी पात्र काल्पनिक हैं और उनका किसी व्यक्ति अथवा व्यक्तियों, घटनाओं अथवा कम्पनीयांे से कोई लेना देना नहीं हैं....)

एक नन्हीं चींटी रोज अपने काम पर समय से आती थी और अपना काम अपना काम समय पर करती थी.....

वे जरूरत से ज्यादा काम करके भी खूब खुश थी.......

जं गल के राजा शेर नें एक दिन चींटी को काम करते हुए देखा, और आश्चर्यचकित हुआ कि चींटी बिना किसी निरीक्षण के काम कर रही थी........

उसने सोचा कि अगर चींटी बिना किसी सुपरवाईजर के इतना काम, कर रही थी तो जरूर सुपरवाईजर के साथ वो अधिक काम कर सकती थी.......

उसनें काक्रोच को नियुक्त किया जिसे सुपर्वाईजरी का 10 साल का अनुभव था, और वो रिपोर्टों का बढ़िया अनुसंधान करता था .....

काक्रोच नें आते ही साथ सुबह आने का टाइम, लंच टाईम और जाने का टाईम निर्धारित किया, और अटेंडेंस रजिस्टर बनाया.....

उसनें अपनी रिपोर्टें टाईप करने के लिये, सेकेट्री भी रखी....

उसनें मकडी को नियुक्त किया जो सारे फोनों का जवाब देता था और सारे रिकार्डों को मेनटेन करता था......

शेर को काक्रोच की रिपोर्टें पढ़ कर बड़ी खुशी हुई, उसने काक्रोच से कहा कि वो प्रोडक्शन एनालिसिस करे और, बोर्ड मीटिंग में प्रस्तुत करने के लिये ग्राफ बनाए......

इसलिये काक्रोच को नया कम्प्यूटर और लेजर प्रिंटर खरीदना पड़ा.........

और उसनें आई टी डिपार्टमैंट संभालने के लिए मक्खी को नियुक्त किया........

चींटी जो शांति के साथ अपना काम पूरा करना चाहती थी इतनी रिपोर्टों को लिखकर और मीटिंगों से परेशान होने लगी.......

शेर ने सोचा कि अब वक्त आ गया है कि जहां चींटी काम करती है वहां डिपार्टमेंट का अधिकारी नियुक्त किया जाना चाहिये....

उसनें झींगुर को नियुक्त किया, झींगुर ने आते ही साथ अपने आफिस के लिये कार्पेट और ए.सी. खरीदा.....

नये बास झींगुर को भी कम्प्यूटर की जरूरत पड़ी और उसे चलाने के लिये वो अपनी पिछली कम्पनी में काम कर रही असिस्टनेट को भी नई कम्पनी में ले आया.........

चींटी जहां काम कर रही थी वो दुःख भरी जगह हो गयी जहां सब एक दूसरे पर आदेश चलाते थे और चिल्लाते रहते थें......

झींगुर ने शेर को कुछ समय बाद बताया कि आॅफिस मे टीमवर्क कमजोर हो गया है और माहौल बदलने के लिए कुछ करना चाहिये......

चींटी के डिपार्टमेंट की रिव्यू करते वक्त शेर ने देखा कि पहले से उत्पादकता बहुत कम हो गयी थी.......

उत्पादकता बढ़ाने के लिये शेर ने एक प्रसिद्ध कंसलटेंट उल्लू को नियुक्त किया.......

उल्लू नें चींटी के विभाग का गहन अघ्ययन तीन महीनों तक किया फिर उसनें अपनी 1200 पेज की रिपोर्ट दी जिसका निष्कर्ष था कि विभाग में बहुत ज्यादा लोग हैं..... जो कम करने की आवश्यकता है......

सोचिये शेर ने नौकरी से किसको निकाला......

नन्हीं चींटी को.......... इस एलिगेशन के साथ कि उसमें “ नेगेटिव एटीट्यूड, टीमवर्क, और मोटिवेशन की कमी थी.......“
Aisa hota aajkal job me imandar employee ke saath .....😏


One time relaxation in Rules for leave encashment during service – Permission for leave encashment to Railway Employees who have failed to avail leave encashment during the previous blocks.

RBE No. 141/2014
No. F(E)III/2008/LE-1/1
New Delhi, Dated: 15/12/2014
The GMs/FA & CAOs,
All Zonal Railways/PUs,
(As per Mailing List)

Subject: One time relaxation in Rules for leave encashment during service – Permission for leave encashment to Railway Employees who have failed to avail leave encashment during the previous blocks.

Representations have been received in this office to allow leave encashment to Railway employees who have failed to avail the benefit during the previous blocks despite availing Pass/PTO and leave during a block on the ground that the concept of block period was new for the Railway employees and it Introduced during the 2nd block period resulting in some of the employees failing to apply for the same due to various reasons.

2. The matter has been sympathetically considered by Board and it has been agreed to allow leave encashment to the employees who have failed to avail the same during the previous block period (first three block periods) despite fulfilling the condition of availing of Pass/PTO and leave during the block, as one time exemption, with the condition that leave encashment will be made at the rate of pay applicable at the time of availing of leave, subject to fulfillment of the conditions as laid down in Railway Boards letter of even No’s dated 29.10.2008 and 11.06.2009, as applicable on the day of leave availed, with the approval of leave sanctioning authority

3. The above relaxation is made as one time measure and the employees have to apply for the same along with the proof of grant of leave and pass during the block period within four months from the date of issue of this letter.

4. It is reiterated that it is a one-time relaxation and in future including the current block no claim from a retrospective date shall be entertained. All the claims for leave encashment should be done with prior approval of the competent authority as per the block system of Leave encashment

5. This issues-with the approval of Board (MS & FC).

(Amitabh Joshi)
Deputy Director Finance (Estt.)III
Railway Board.

Dopt clarification orders regarding declaration of Assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

(Department of Personnel and Training)


New Delhi, the 2nd January, 2015

G.S.R. 6(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Fundamental Rules, 1922, namely:-

1. (1) These rules may be called the Fundamental (Amendment) Rules, 2014.

(2) They shall be deemed to have come into force on the 27th October, 2013.

2. In the Fundamental Rules, 1922, in rule 29, for clause (2), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:—

“(2) If a Government servant is reduced as a measure of penalty to a lower service, grade or post or to a lower time-scale, the authority ordering the reduction shall specify,—

(a) the period for which the reduction shall be effective;

(b) whether, on restoration, the period of reduction shall operate to postpone future increments and, if so, to what extent; and

(c) whether the Government servant shall regain his original seniority in the higher service, grade or post or time-scale on his restoration to the service, grade or post or time-scale from which he was reduced.”

[F. No. 6/2/2013-Estt. (Pay-I)]

Expected DA from January 2015 will be 113 % (6% Increase)

Expected DA from January 2015 will be 113 % (6% Increase)

Expected DA from January 2015 will be 113 % (6% Increase)

Posted: 03 Jan 2015 10:15 AM PST

Expected DA from January 2015 WILL BE 113 % (6%INCREASE)The All-India CPI-IW for November, 2014 remained stationary at 253 (two hundred and fifty three).In the coming months, if...

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TAMILNADU CIRCLE : Answer keys for Postman / Mail Guard Direct Recruitment Examination held on 28.12.2014.

Posted: 03 Jan 2015 08:48 AM PST

Answer keys for Postman / Mail Guard Direct Recruitment Examination held on 28.12.2014. The Answer key will be available in the website till 08.01.2015. Any comments received after 08.01.2015 will...

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Government to amend rules to check arbitrary suspension of officials

Posted: 03 Jan 2015 06:42 AM PST

The Centre has decided to amend rules to check arbitrary suspension of IAS, IPS and IFoS officials and to bring in uniformity in procedure to be followed for conducting disciplinary proceedings...

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National Insurance Company Ltd. (NICL) Recruitment for 1000 Assistant Posts 2015 :

Posted: 03 Jan 2015 06:36 AM PST

Posts : Assistants Total No. of Posts :1000 Eligibility Criteria : Age (as on 30.11.2014) : Minimum Age : 18 yearsMaximum Age : 28 yearsEducation Qualifications :Graduate from a...

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Posted: 03 Jan 2015 06:32 AM PST

Solution For BNPL Speed Post Booking Destination Cities While We are Booking BNPL Articles in Speed Net Module, But Most of the destination cities are not available. Solution :Download BNPL Cities...

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Posted: 03 Jan 2015 06:31 AM PST

MIS Application Access For Reporting In Finacle Login to the Application Reporting Server: Login to the application with...

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