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Showing posts with label MACP CIRCULARS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MACP CIRCULARS. Show all posts

Modified Assured Career Progression Schem

Recommendations of the Screening Committee henceforth be placed before the Appointing Authority of the post in both cases where the Committee is constituted in the Ministry/Department or in other cases for approval with regard to grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme.

No.35034/3/2008-Estt(D) (Vol.II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
New Delhi 110001
Dated the 10th December, 2014


Subject:- Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Employee-Clarification regarding.

The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Para 5 of the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme issued vide the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No. 35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated May 19, 2009 providing that the recommendations of the Screening Committee shall be placed before the Secretary in cases where the Committee is constituted in the Ministry/Department or before the Head of the organisation/competent authority in other cases for approval.

2. References have been received from various Ministries/Departments with regard to delegation of powers of Secretary to a Joint Secretary level officer as a large number of files on various matters are referred to the Secretary for approval and it is an administrative matter of routine nature which can be disposed of at the level of Joint Secretary.

3. The matter has been considered in this Department and it has been decided that the recommendations of the Screening Committee henceforth be placed before the Appointing Authority
of the post in both cases where the Committee is constituted in the Ministry/Department or in other cases for approval with regard to grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme.

4. Ministries/Departments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned including their attached and subordinate offices.

(Mukta Goel)

Source :

Grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme - wrongful clarification issued by Railway Board

Dated: 03/01/2014
The Member Staff,
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme - wrongful clarification issued by Railway Board - reg.

Ref: (i) Railway Board's letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 13/12/2012.
(ii) NFIR’s letter No.IV/MACPS/09/Pt.6 dated 20/01/2013.
(iii) Railway Board’s letter No. PC-V/2011/M/4/NFIR dated 05/03/2013.
(iv) Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/7/SCR dated 05/03/2013.

NFIR vide its letter dated 30/01/2013 had invited attention of the Railway Board (MS) to clarification issued by the Railway Board vide letter dated 13/12/2012 and illogically upheld further vide letter dated 05/03/2013. In its letter dated 30/01/2013, while explaining rule position in detail, Federation had demanded meeting at the level of Railway Board (MS) considering its wider implications and the inappropriate stand taken by the Railway Board, besides keeping in abeyance the implementation of instructions dated 13/12/2012. Unfortunately, Railway Board did not take any action despite Railway Board (MS) verbal assurance. The wrong stand taken by the Railway Board on the issue has resulted into affecting undue recoveries from the salaries of staff on some Zonal Railways creating deep sense of resentment among them who are now feeling aggrieved and agitated.

2. In this connection, NFIR wishes to invite once again the kind attention of the Railway Board (MS) that the clarification dated 13/12/2012 allows financial upgradation under MACPS under promotional /cadre hierarchy whereas the MACP Scheme permits granting financial upgradation in Grade Pay hierarchy and is admissible upto GP Rs. 12000/- in PB-4.

This proves the contention of the Federation that the said clarification is grossly erroneous as the same is against the policy guidelines on MACPS and may not withstand judicial scrutiny.

3. Apart from above. NFIR wishes to bring to the notice of Railway Board (MS) following additional facts for kind information and necessary action:-

That the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi vide O.M. No.Z2901171/2012-N dated 11th April 2013, which is the nodal ministry in sofar as para-medical stall are concerned has permifted financial upgradation in PB-3 with GP Rs.6600/- to the nursing staff pursuant to the judicial scrutiny of the issue at the level of Supreme Court.

That the Federation is shocked to know from many Zonal Railways that based on Railway Board’s clarification issued on 13/12/2012 recoveries from all similarly placed stall, including para-medical stall has since begun and the staff are being put to totally disadvantageous position.

4. Federation further wishes to clarify that the O.M. dated 11th April 2013, should be implemented mutatis-mutandis in favour of railway mployees who are similarly situated as any action contrary to the said O.M. will be contempt the orders of Apex Court.

NFIR. therefore, requests the Railway Board (MS) to immediately withdraw the clarification issued under letter dated 13/12/2012, as requested earlier and issue suitable instructions to all General Managers etc.. not to affect recoveries. Federation is, however, ready to discuss the issue at the level of Railway Board (MS). Federation may be keptadvised of the action taken.

Yours faithfully,
General Secretary

Source: NFIR


Granting of Financial Upgradation under MACP Scheme PBC No: 54/2013

506073_MDO3Granting of Financial Upgradation under MACP Scheme — Clarification reg.
Posted: 13 Jun 2013 09:43 PM PDT
Southern Railway issued a clarification order on MACP Scheme regarding the terms used "In same Grade Pay" and "Normal Promotion"...


Headquarters Office 
Personnel Branch 
Chennai – 600003 
Dated: 20-05-2013
PBC No: 54/2013

All PHODs / DRMs / CWMs / CEWE / CAO / CPM / Dy.CPOs / Sr.DPOs / DPOs / SPOs / WPOs / APOs if HQ / Dvisions / Workshops / other Units, etc., (As per mailing list – ‘A’)

Sub: Granting of Financial Upgradation under MACP Scheme — Clarification reg.

Ref : Railway Board’s letter No. PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 13-12-2012 (RBE No. 142 / 2012, PBC No. 189 / 2012).

Consequent to issue of Railway Board’s letter dated 13-12-2012 (RBE No. 142 / 2012), many doubts have been raised from various quarters as to how the the clarification given is to be followed.

In terms of the above cited letter, an employee holding feeder post in a cadre where promotional post is in the same Grade Pay, financial upgradation under ACP / MACP scheme cannot be to a higher Grade Pay than what can be allowed to an employee on his normal promotion and would be granted the same Grade Pay. The doubts were with regard to the terms used i.e., "In same Grade Pay" and "Normal Promotion".

As clarified by Board, the following clarifications are given citing certain examples :

(a)A Sr. Clerk on direct recruitment with GP Rs. 2800/- having earned two promotions to GP Rs. 4200/- and Rs.4600/- is entitled to be considered for 3rd Financial Upgradation to GP Rs. 4800/- under MACP Scheme subject to fulfilling other terms and conditions relating to the scheme.

(b)A Technical supervisor on direct recruitment with GP Rs. 4200/- having earned one promotion to GP Rs. 4600/- is entitled to be considered for grant of 2nd and 3rd Financial Upgradation to GP Rs. 4800/- and GP Rs. 5400/- of PB 2 respectively under MACP Scheme subject to fulfilment of terms and conditions relating to the scheme.

(c)A Sr.Section Engineer on direct recruitment with GP Rs. 4600/- is entitled to be considered for grant of 1st, 2nd & 3rd Financial Upgradation to GP Rs. 4800/- in PB 2, GP Rs. 5400/- in PB-2, and GP Rs. 5400/- in PB-3 respectively under MACP Scheme subject to fulfilment of terms and conditions relating to the scheme.

(d) A Chief Matron with GP Rs. 5400/- in PB-2 is entitled to be considered for Financial Upgradation under MACPS to the same GP Rs. 5400/- in PB-3, as per terms contained in Para 8.1 of Annexure to Board’s letter dt. 10-06-2009 (RBE No. 101 /2009, PBC No. 112/2009)

(e) A Staff Nurse directly recruited with GP Rs. 4600/- is entitled to be considered for 3rd Financial Upgradation under MACP scheme to GP of Rs. 5400/- in PB-3 after earning two Promotion / Financial Upgradation to GP Rs. 4800/- and Rs. 5400/- in PB-2, subject to fulfilment of terms and conditions relating to the scheme.

It has been further clarified that 3 % increment as Pay Fixation in respect of employees who are granted Financial Upgradation to the same Grade Pay is to be allowed or not, (since as per RS(PR) Rules 2008 it is still not allowed) is under consideration in consultation with Ministry of Finance. Hence, for example a Sr. Technician on promotion / Financial Upgradation granted same Grade Pay, or when Goods Driver promoted / granted Financial Upgradation under MACP to the same Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-, the pay fixation is under consideration and yet to be clarified.

The cases decided otherwise than as clarified above may be reviewed and action taken accordingly.

This is issued with the approval of CPO/MAS.

Asst. Personnel Officer / Rules 
for Chief Personnel Officer


Granting 3rd financial upgradation under MACP Scheme - Clarification regarding.

(Railway Baord)

New Delhi, dated 05.03.2013
The General Manager (P)
Chittranjan Locomotive Works

Sub:- Granting 3rd financial upgradation under MACP Scheme - Clarification regarding.

Ref:- CLW’s letter No.CMA/Ruling/453, dated 19-02-2013.

With reference to CLW’s above cited letter, it is stated that Board’s letter dt. 13-12-2012 has been issued as a sequel to the instructions contained in para-8 of Annexure to Board’s policy instruction on MACPS dt 10-06-09 (RBE No.101/2009) and therefore has to be viewed in context thereof only. Further, while implementing MACP Scheme these instructions i.e. para-8 of Annexure to Board’s instruction dt. 10-06-09 and Board’s letter dt. 13-12-2012 has to be seen in light of the cadre structure/hierarchy of progression that has emerged as a result of implementation of 6th  pay structure.

As regards example No.I (a), it is stated that a Technical Supervisor, who has joined in GP-4200 on direct recruitment basis and have earned promotion to next post in Grade Pay of Rs.4600 is entitled to be considered for grant of 2 and 3rd financial upgradations to GP Rs.4800 and GP-5400 of PB-2 respectively under MACPS subject to fulfilment of terms & conditions relating to the Scheme.

As regards example No.I (b), it is stated that a directly recruited SSE in GP of Rs.4600 is entitled to be considered for grant of 1st, 2nd and 3rd financial upgradations to the GP-4800 / PB-2, GP-5400 / PB-2 and GP-5400 / PB-3 respectively under MACPS subject to fulfilment of terms & conditions relating to the Scheme. 

As regards example No.I (c), the point on which clarification has been sought is not clear.

As regards example No.II (a), it is stated that the next promotional post for chief Matron’s post is Assistant Nursing Officer (ANO) in same Grade Pay of Rs.5400/PB-3, therefore, (Chief Matron entitled to be considered for 3rd financial upgradation to the same Grade Pay of Rs.5400 in PB-3 in terms of Board’s letter dated 13-12-2012 (RBE No.142/20I2). 

As regards example No.II (b), a Staff Nurse directly recruited in GP-4600 is entitled to be considered for 3rd financial upgradation under MACPS to the Grade Pay of Rs.5400 in PB-3 in terms of the provisions contained in para-8.1 of Annexure to Board’s letter dt.10-06-09 (RBE No.101/2009).

Dy.Director, Pay Commission - V
Railway Board

Source: AIRF

Grant of Financial upgradation under MACPS to the employees holding feeder post in a cadre where promotional post is in same Grade Pay.

(Railway Board)

No PC-V/2011/M/4/NFIR
New Delhi, dated 05.03.2013
The General Secretary NFIR
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi-110055

Sub :- Grant of Financial upgradation under MACPS to the employees holding feeder post in a cadre where promotional post is in same Grade Pay.

The undersigned is directed to refer to NFIR’s letter No. IV/MACPS/09/Pt-6, dated 31/01/2013 and to state that the provisions contained in Para-1 of Annexure to Board’s letter dt.10-06-09 may be read alongwith the provision contained in Para-8 of Annexure to said letter dated 10-06-09 which stipulates that promotions earned in the Post carrying same Grade Pay in the promotional hierarchy as per Recruitment Rules shall be counted for the purpose of MACP Scheme.

It is further stated that on receipt of references from Zonal Railways seeking clarification as to what Grade Pay would be admissible under MACPS to an employee holding feeder post in a cadre where promotional post is in the same Grade pay, a reference was made to DoP&T seeking their clarification. Based on the clarifications given by DOP&T, Board’s letter dated 13-12-2012 has been issued Since DoP&T is nodal department, of Govt. on the subject of MACPS, this Ministry is not in position to deviate from the instructions/clarifications issued by them.

In view of the above, Federations is requested may please appreciate the position.

Yours faithfuly, 
for Secretarty/Railway Board

Source : NFIR

Treatment of Employees selected under LDCE/GDCE scheme for MACP purposes

Treatment of Employees selected under LDCE/GDCE scheme for MACP purposes.
Posted: 07 Feb 2013 10:22 AM PST

Treatment of employees selected under LDCE Scheme / GDCE Scheme.


No. PC-V/2011/M/3/AIRF

New Delhi, dated 05/02/2013

The General Secretary
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi - 110055

Sub:-Treatment of employees selected under LDCE Scheme/GDCE Scheme.

The undersigned is directed to refer to AIRF’s letter No.AIRF/MACP (9), dt. 08/01/2013 on the above subject and to state that on perusal of para 140(i) of IREM Volume-I, it has been observed as under-
1. 75% of the posts in the category of Chargeman ‘B’ in scale Rs.1400-2300 in Mech. & Elec. Eng., Deptts. & in the cadre of Draftsmen in these Departments will be filled by induction of Apprentice Mechanics as under:—-

(i). 50% plus shortfall, if any, against inter apprentice quota as at (ii) below, from open market through Railway Recruitment Board, and

(ii) 25% from serving employees fulfilling the following qualification:-

(a) Must have passed ITI  Act Apprenticeship in the relevant trade or 10+2 in science stream.

It is evident from the above position of IREM that it prescribes 50% quota in chargeman 'B’ grade to be filled from open market i.e by direct recruitment and another 25% quota has been earmarked to be filled from amongst serving employees. As such only those employees who have been appointed as chargeman 'B’ against 50% quota prescribed to be filled from open market can be treated as direct recruits in that grade and the case of employees selected against 25% quota earmarked to be filled from serving employees shall be treated as promotion for MACP purposes.

Yours faithfully,
for Secretary / Railway Board

Source: AIRF

Clarification on Modified ACP Scheme (MACPS) for Railway employees - Railway Board Orders

Clarification on Modified ACP Scheme (MACPS) for Railway employees - Railway Board Orders
Posted: 07 Feb 2013 10:25 AM PST

S. No.PC-VI/313
No. PC-V/2009/ACP/2
RBE No.08/2013
New Delhi, dated 31/01/2013
The General Managers
All Indian Railways & PUs
(As per mailing list)

Subject :- Modified ACP Scheme (MACPS) for Railway employees - clarification-regarding.

Reference is invited to the Board’s letter of even number dated 10-06-2009 regarding the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) to Railway employees. Pursuant to the discussions in the meeting of National Advisory Committee held on 17-07-12 and subsequent meeting on 27-07-2012 held with the Staff Side and in continuation to clarifications issued vide Board’s letter of even number dated 28-12-2010, it is further clarified as under:

2(i). Financial upgradation under MACPS in the case of staff who joined another unit/organization on request.
Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 28-12-2010 provides that in case of transfer ‘including unilateral transfer on request’, regular service rendered in previous organization/office shall be counted along with the regular service in the new organization/office for the purpose of getting financial upgradations under the MACP Scheme. However, financial upgradation under the MACP Scheme shall be allowed in the immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of revised Pay Bands as given in Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. It is now further clarified that wherever an official, in accordance with terms and conditions of transfer on own volition to a Lower post, is reverted to the lower Post/Grade from te promoted Post/Grade before being relieved for the new organization/office, such past promotion in the previous organization/office will be ignored for the purpose of MACP Scheme in the new organization/office. In respect of those cases where benefit of pay protection have been allowed at the time of unilateral transfer to other organization/unit and thus the employee had carried the financial benefit of promotion, the promotion earned in previous organization has to be reckoned for the purpose of MACP Scheme.

2. (ii) Benchmark for MACP Scheme:
Para 17 of Annexure-1 of Railway Board’s letter dt. 10-06-09 provide that the financial upgradation would be on Non-functional basis subject to fitness, in the hierarchy of grade pay within the PB-I. Thereafter for upgradation under the MACPS, the benchmark of ‘Good’ would be applicable till the grade pay of 6600/- in PB-3. The benchmark will be ‘Very Good’ for financial upgradation to the grade pay of Rs.7600 and above. Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 28-12-2010 provides that where the financial upgradation under MACPS also happens to be in the promotional grade and benchmark for promotion is lower than the benchmark for granting the benefit under MACPS as mentioned in para-17 ibid, the benchmark for promotion shall apply to MACP also. It is now further clarified that wherever promotions are given on non-selection basis (i.e. on seniority-cum-fitness basis), the prescribed benchmark as mentioned in para-17 of Annexure-I to Board’s letter dated 10-06-2009 shall not apply for the purpose of grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme.

3. The instructions issued on MACP Scheme vide Board’s letter of even number dated 10-06-2009 stands modified to the above extent.

4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

5. Hindi version is enclosed.

[DoP&T's OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) (Vol.II), dt. 4th October, 2012]
Dy. Director, Pay Commission-V
Railway Board

Source: AIRF and NFIR

Treatment of employees selected under LDCE/GDCE Scheme

All India Railwaymen Federation


Dated: 8th, January 2013

The Secretary(E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: MACP Scheme for Railway Servants – Treatment of employees selected under LDCE/GDCE Scheme – Clarification reg.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2 (RBE No.100/2012) dated 12.09.2012

As per Railway Board’s letter under reference, while extending benefit of financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme, the candidates selected through LDCE / GDCE on a post for which recruitment rules provide for Direct Recruitment, their promotion through above process on the said post are to be treated as Direct Recruitment for the purpose of granting benefit under the said scheme.

As per para 140(i) of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I(Revised Edition 1989), Intermediate Apprentices selected against 25% Intermediate Apprentice Quota(Talented Quota) do fulfill above criteria, as the said para clearly stipulates that 75% of the vacancies in the category of Jr. Engineer in Mechanical, Electrical, Engineering Departments and Draftsmen category of these departments will be filled by induction of Apprentice Mechanics, as such those selected against 25% Intermediate Apprentice Quota(Talented Quota) may also be considered to have been directly recruited on these posts. They should, therefore, be extended the benefit under MACP Scheme as per para(i) of Railway Board’s letter referred to above.

The Board are, therefore, requested to issue necessary clarification to all the Zonal Railways and Production Units so that the Jr. Engineers selected through LDCE against 25% IntermediateApprentice Quota(Talented Quota) are granted financial upgradation under MACP Scheme, treating them as Directly Recruited to these posts.

An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary

Source: AIRF