Indian railway - Steve McCurry |
Steve McCurry became famous with his incredible photographic series of children from all over the world. It’s a series he’s been “updating” for over 20 years. Steve further proved that he’s a truly cosmopolitan person, capable of encompassing both mood and space, with his latest series, taken in India.
India’s stunning beauty, that McCurry conjures for us, is true visual poetry. |
Indian Railway Search
Indian railway - Steve McCurry
Guntakal DRM’s office first in railways to get 5S certification - The New Indian Express
Guntakal DRM’s office first in railways to get 5S certification - The New Indian Express
Guntakal DRM’s office first in railways to get 5S certification
By Express News Service - HYDERABAD
20th April 2013 01:15 PM
The divisional railway manager’s (DRM) office, Guntakal division of the South Central Railway, has become the first DRM’s office of the Indian Railways to get the prestigious 5S certification awarded from the Quality Circle Forum of India.
The 5S is a Japanese technique for workplace organisation and housekeeping that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri (sort), seiton (arrange), seiso (clean), seiketsu (standardise), and shitsuke (sustain).
It describes how to organise a work space for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items and sustaining the new order.
The decision-making process usually comes from a dialogue on standardisation, which builds understanding among employees of how they should do the work.
It has taken seven months of hard work and motivation for the Team Guntakal to attain this coveted target. During the course of this process, the division has been able to dispose of 70 tonnes of old records and files.
It has also adopted a software for record-keeping, issuing and weeding out. This software is developed with VB as front-end and MS Access as back-end upgradable to Oracle.
Any file or record in the DRM’s office can now be fetched in 30 seconds. House-keeping has tremendously improved not only for filing but also in other areas like toilets, parking, gardens, notice boards, homes and hospital.
Visual Standards in different areas have been innovated by Team Guntakal to ensure that “everything has a place and everything is in its place”.
SCR general manager DP Pande congratulated divisional railway manager TP Singh and his team of officials on their remarkable work and achievement.
The 5S is a Japanese technique for workplace organisation and housekeeping that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri (sort), seiton (arrange), seiso (clean), seiketsu (standardise), and shitsuke (sustain).
It describes how to organise a work space for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items and sustaining the new order.
The decision-making process usually comes from a dialogue on standardisation, which builds understanding among employees of how they should do the work.
It has taken seven months of hard work and motivation for the Team Guntakal to attain this coveted target. During the course of this process, the division has been able to dispose of 70 tonnes of old records and files.
It has also adopted a software for record-keeping, issuing and weeding out. This software is developed with VB as front-end and MS Access as back-end upgradable to Oracle.
Any file or record in the DRM’s office can now be fetched in 30 seconds. House-keeping has tremendously improved not only for filing but also in other areas like toilets, parking, gardens, notice boards, homes and hospital.
Visual Standards in different areas have been innovated by Team Guntakal to ensure that “everything has a place and everything is in its place”.
SCR general manager DP Pande congratulated divisional railway manager TP Singh and his team of officials on their remarkable work and achievement.
operation success, but patient died!!
Author: Shankar Dev
Today Google is celebrating 160 years of India’s first passenger train journey by making a special doodle in its home page. In the first railway passenger journey in India three steam locomotives, Sultan, Sindh and Sahib, took 400 invited passengers in 14 carriages on a 57 minute journey that had one halt. Started by the British in 1853 and initially run by independent companies, the railway network was later taken over by the government and grew rapidly, covering 9,000 km by 1880. Later, the system bequeathed to a newly independent India and was maintained as a state-run organisation. Today, Indian Railways(IR) employs 1.54 million people and traverses 63,000 km. I hope Railways is the only sector which flourished and benefitted from the colonisation, I say this because the railway administration of independent India is running really Pathetic.Though it serves a better affordability, when compared with contemporary developing nations, it is also one of the dangerous train system in the world which causing 2500 death per year. Even with increase in revenue from passenger travel and freight transport, development is lagging behind. With its huge assets and resources, one of the richest department in the country and world, yet it suffers loss of 25000 crores every year. These paradoxical disorders are, result of mismanagement, operational inefficiency, political interference, employee unions, corruption etc.
Operational Inefficiency:
The first and foremost reason for the Operational Inefficiency is – being devoid of modernisation. The periodical diesel price hike has hit the railways hard. For running its fleet of around 4,500 diesel locomotives, the Indian Railways spends nearly Rs 11,000 crore per year, constituting nearly 15 per cent of the railway’s annual working expenses. Now (with recent diesel hike) it is facing with an additional expenditure of around Rs 1,200 crore per year. A reduction of 10 per- cent of diesel oil consumption can result in a saving Rs 1,000 crore a year. This cannot be achieved without modernising the railways with new generation high efficient components. The Indian system is running with the kind of technologies which Europe and America scrapped off – 20yrs ago, although IR is carrying 30 times more passengers every year.
IR can reduce its fuel bill by improving the fuel efficiency of its locomotives. There are several ways in which this could be achieved. The railways in other countries have been upgrading technologies to improve energy efficiency such as:
Upgrading to more usage of modern rolling stock with lower energy consumption.
Introducing regenerative braking — a system that harnesses the energy produced during braking, transferring it back to the power supply grid, and thereby allowing other trains to use it. Currently IR had deployed it in Mumbai suburban trains.
Also by reducing carbon footprints and cashing on the carbon credits earned can bring in further financial benefits for the railways- Almost two years ago, IR initiated a programme to cut down carbon consumption by distributing around 14 lakh compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) in its residential colonies, paving the way to earn over one lakh carbon credits each year.
By reducing diesel consumption- Stepping up to liquefied natural gas , CNG on a large scale, so as to reduce consumption of diesel oil. It is currently dependent on refined petroleum products such as high speed diesel oil for locomotives and furnace oil in its workshops and factories.
Freight management:
In 2011-12, its revenue from freight services (Rs 69,547 crore), had accounted for nearly two-third of the gross railway revenue (Rs 104,153 crore). The freight business of the Indian Railways has been the mainstay of its revenues, and helped it in partly subsidising the passenger segment, because of public and political pressures, the fares cannot always be raised to cover the cost of operations. So the railways kept increasing the freight charges, which led to inflation and on the other hand it lost its edge over road transport.The road which has inherent advantages of being more penetrative than rail services, providing door-to-door delivery of consignments, and having a greater flexibility of operations.
However, the economic and environmental benefits of railways are becoming increasingly favouring the frieght. As railroads are, on average, three or four times more fuel efficient than trucks and every ton-mile of freight that moves by rail instead of trucks reduces green house gas emissions by two-third or more. This opens up a window of opportunity to the railways to draw out the best from its assets and make the freight business not only highly productive and competitive but also to help in maximising its profits. Recent announcement of DFC can fulfil a part of the above said objectives.
Implementation of the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) project is expected to generate two major impacts on the freight movement:
- Shift of freight from road to the low carbon intensive rail transport
- Improvement in energy efficiency through adoption of improved technologies.
- Easing the handling of goods- attract freight.
But unfortunately DFC is stagnant at various stages due to political and economical reasons.
Safety Mechanisms:
Given the magnitude of the network and the passengers it carries every day, little augmentation of safety procedures has been made. The absence of composite and workable safety mechanism in one of world’s largest railway systems is now more glaring than ever before. It is out of tune with modern, easily available technology that could prevent or at least minimise deaths of passengers. In last week alone 4 fire accidents have been reported, costing 2 lives and leaving 14 injured. Even next week another train will catch fire in some other region. To this day, 17,000 unmanned railway crossings exist that are said to cause nearly 70 per cent of the fatalities. A special £2.5-billion railway safety fund has been set up to introduce safety measures, but this money remains ineffectually used.
The 2013 railway budget announced, introduction of much hyped and expensive Train Protection Warning System (TPWS) on automatic signalling systems. It offers protection function with high design integrity, however it does not provide significant enhancement to line capacity. Moreover, TPWS is a warning system, not a protection system. It has malfunctioned in the past. Experts feel that the TPWS can function effectively only if the driver’s cabin is air-conditioned. They pointed out that the TPWS that follows a European design was a misfit in India, indicates lack of its tropicalisation and customization to Indian conditions. However, the government has once again ignored the indigenous & cost-effective anti-collision device (ACD) system developed by the Konkan Railway and has instead opted for an expensive foreign technology.
The TPWS is estimated to cost Rs70 lakh per km, and will be implemented over an 828-km rail stretch. The total cost for installing the TPWS would be about Rs579.60 crore. On the other hand, the ACD will provide a more efficient and cheaper overall protection against collisions. ACD, which is a no-signal equipment, has superior wide-area safety-enhancing capability, while costing much less individually. TPWS is not only expensive, but also less efficient compared to the ACD system. Even a brainless creature would definitely opt only for a cheap and efficient system but why the govt chose otherwise….continue reading.
Political pressures:
The greatest curse for a democracy is the coalition government as our honorable PM puts it, it is not that easy to manage a coalition government & ease its partners. So the major ruling party is ready to conduct any level of task in order to appease their coalition partners. The saddest part is that Railway is the most vulnerable to this coalition dharma, unsurprisingly it has a major impact on both performance and administration of railways.
Regional leaders who had served as railway ministers during successive coalition governments had used their budgets to pander to their localised political constituencies, announcing projects that had little economic or commercial viability.
Introduction of Train Protection Warning System (TPWS) on automatic signalling systems in the latest rail budget had really surprised experts, since a high-level rail safety review committee headed by former Atomic Energy Commission chairman Anil Kakodkar had trashed the TPWS about a year ago.
In its report, the Kakodkar panel had pointed out that the TPWS was not working well under Indian Railway conditions. It cited the outcome of the TPWS trial on the Chennai Central-Gummidipoondi section since 2009, to prove its point. In its report submitted to then Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi on February 12, 2012, the panel had said: “This system, based on proven European design, is not working well under Indian Railway conditions. This was observed during the committee members visit, when the motormen operating on Chennai suburban complained of false braking, system problems, etc.” But UPA was still adamant in implementing the failed system, should have its ground on political gain or favourtism.
The Train Protection Warning System (TPWS), is implemented by the Union Switch & Signal (US&S) India, a subsidiary of Ansaldo Signal. It smells fishy when you come to know that, this Ansaldo Signal is infact a subsidiary of Giuseppe Orsi’sFinmeccanica- the same gentlemen who paid 360cr kickbacks for procurement of Augesta Westland’s VVIP choppers ( to know click me). Though Finmeccanica has a shady track record, UPA was very keen in signing next contract with it. While most officials are not keen on the system, which has been found to be unfit for railway conditions in India, the company is still having a free run in Southern Railway sectors. One can very well assume the drama that would have happened behind the curtains.
Unless favoritism is curtailed, the fate of railways will prevail as such. At the political level, the portfolio of the Railways should not be treated as a tradable commodity in the coalition politics and the Prime Minister should ensure that the minister who is given charge of the railways is capable of delivering, instead of devoting his time and energies to partisan politics. The involvement of the PMO, the minister for railways, other Ministers of State, the Railway Board and the chief ministers of the states is a must for developing a railway safety ethic as a national priority. The government can also consider designating one of the Ministers of State as minister for rail safety.
In other ways it can be placed under a constitutionally mandated Indian Railway Commission and managed by professional hands without interference by politicians. The role of the political executive should be confined to policy-making and they should not be involved in operational decision.
Profit and Service:
The public entities like Railways cannot be run purely in profit grounds. So something has to be done, but the only way of increasing productivity without increasing fares is Resource mobilization.
The railways has been experimenting with new models of Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) for financing its projects for past many years, but has been dogged by poor and unimaginative marketing strategies. Though some steps are being taken like – R3i (Railway Infrastructure Investment Initiative) policy aimed at attracting private sector participation, the response remains lukewarm. The main reason should be the hegemony and monopoly of govt.
Now railways did some introspection and realised that the complex procedures and legal framework within which the Public-Private-Partnership projects are required to operate in railways have not been able to incentivise the private sector in participating in such projects. The procedures show a distinct bias towards the railways, leading to the perception that the PPP partners are not treated as equals. In the container train operations, for instance, which the railways claim to be its major PPP initiative, private players are not happy since they feel that there is no level playing field for them and the railways have been denying them their fair share in the venture. They complain of unreasonably high fees for use of terminals built on railway land, and of the differential haulage rates, which has cut into their profit margins. Moreover, frequent changes in the haulage charges and other terms and conditions make it difficult for private players to enter into long-term commitments given to their clients. This feeling of uncertainty is not conducive to a healthy business climate.
It is essential to create a proper PPP enabling environment with streamlined procedures and a right mix of fiscal incentives and risk mitigation measures to attract private sector to participate in infrastructure projects. Setting up of an independent regulatory body that can enforce contracts, settle disputes and resolve the conflict of interest between railways and private players can help in winning the latter’s confidence.
The Planning Commission estimates that private investment mobilisation in the railways in the Eleventh Plan is likely to be only 4 per cent of the Plan outlay. This is far less than the private capital share in other sectors, such as ports 80 per cent, airports 64 per cent and roads 16 per cent. Large funds are required for investment in new projects in the Twelfth Plan period. These cannot be mobilised through budgetary support and market borrowings alone, and PPP projects can provide a shot in the arm. However, unless there is a major policy shift and railways shed its baggage of past ideology, it is unlikely that this shortfall can be met from PPP projects.
On the other-side, parliamentary panel recently observed that the railways, because of the long gestation period and relatively low returns, should not bank too heavily on the PPP route but instead explore other avenues for resource generation. These are valid observations, because PPP cannot be taken as the ultimate funding solution. Indeed, reliance on private participation does not diminish the role of the government in providing the resources and leadership necessary to build, operate and maintain sustainable public infrastructure.
It is, therefore, imperative that the govt re-draws its strategy for railways, thus paving way for a gradual improvement in its operating ratio, reflecting the percentage of total working expenses to gross earnings, giving passenger safety the top priority.
While presenting 2013 budget, Minister cherished to say that IR had entered the billionares club in world, competing with US and China. However, common man will not be swayed by such self-congratulatory statements as he is living in the reality. By taking account of Minister’s speech, I remember the saying – “operation success, but patient died!!
Media report hints Central D.A. hike today
Media report hints Central D.A. hike today
Posted: 18 Apr 2013 01:18 AM PDT
Media report hints Central D.A. hike today
The Union Cabinet is likely to approve a proposal to increase dearness allowance (DA) of central government employees by 8% on Thursday.
The move to increase D.A. from 72% to 80% will benefit around 50 lakh employees and 30 lakh pensioners of the central government.
"The Union Cabinet may consider the finance ministry proposal to increase DA in its meeting scheduled for Thursday," a source said, adding the hike would be effective from January 1, 2013 and employees and pensioners would be entitled to arrears.
The government had raised DA to 72% in September last year, which had come into effect from July 1, 2012.
As per usual practice, DA is merged with basic pay when it breaches the 50% cap. This helps employees get higher allowances as those are paid as proportion of the basic pay.
Source : Times of India and Zee News
Vintage car mechanic to restore trains now - Times Of India
Vintage car mechanic to restore trains now - Times Of India
NEW DELHI: About three weeks after TOI carried a report on one of the few mechanics in Delhi who repair vintage cars, National Rail Museum - which is celebrating 160 years of Indian Railways - has approached the man, Kaleem Khan, for getting trains and engines gifted by a merchant of Matheran and the Nizam of Hyderabad repaired. These trains have been on display ever since they were received by the museum in the 1980s but were not in a working condition. The contract, which is in the process of being formalized, will mean that Khan will have to get these vintage beauties back on the tracks.
Kaleem, elated over this turn in his fortunes, is busy procuring the parts for these trains after inspecting them at the museum. "The rail museum director asked me to meet him last week. He showed me some of the trains that are on display but not in a working condition. While most of the trains have steam engines, some have the petrol or diesel engine of a car," said the 39-year-old mechanic.
This is part of a larger initiative to revive all the engines, says Uday Singh Mina, director of the museum. He told TOI that it will take six to nine months for the trains to be repaired. The museum is celebrating 160 years of Indian Railways.
Khan's first job will be to get the Matheran Rail Car-899, a 12-seater wooden train that has a Graham-Paige petrol-run engine with 30 brake horsepower, working. "The Graham Brothers' logo on the radiator makes it a significant specimen because it indicates that the chassis was built in 1929 as all units built after that date carried a Dodge Brothers badge (which is also there)," said Mina. "It is possible the unit was 'in stock' at the Great Britain Dodge Brothers' facility while the railway undercarriage and other modifications were completed on the chassis and body, with final delivery as late as in 1932. The rail car was gifted to us in the '80s by Adam Peerbhoy, a wealthy merchant from Pune. But it was not in a working condition when it came here. After reading the TOI report, we found our man as we were on the lookout for a guy with the expertise to repair vintage car engines."
Khan is prepared for the new task. He has already procured some of the parts that will be needed for the train. "My grandfather was from UP and a mechanic too. A family in Bareilly, known to my family, had recently disposed of a Dodge Power Wagon. I bought all the parts, including tail and headlights. If other parts are needed, then the rail museum will help as they also have their workshop," said Khan.
The Nizamuddin mechanic will also work on the 1914 John Morris Fire Engine gifted by the Nizam of Hyderabad. "The fire engine is in a working condition and it is one of the oldest entries in vintage and classic car rallies. But the oil pipe leaks a lot and needs regular maintenance," says Khan. The fire engine, before reaching the museum, was in the care of the Lallaguda Carriage and Wagon workshop in Secunderabad.
NEW DELHI: About three weeks after TOI carried a report on one of the few mechanics in Delhi who repair vintage cars, National Rail Museum - which is celebrating 160 years of Indian Railways - has approached the man, Kaleem Khan, for getting trains and engines gifted by a merchant of Matheran and the Nizam of Hyderabad repaired. These trains have been on display ever since they were received by the museum in the 1980s but were not in a working condition. The contract, which is in the process of being formalized, will mean that Khan will have to get these vintage beauties back on the tracks.
Kaleem, elated over this turn in his fortunes, is busy procuring the parts for these trains after inspecting them at the museum. "The rail museum director asked me to meet him last week. He showed me some of the trains that are on display but not in a working condition. While most of the trains have steam engines, some have the petrol or diesel engine of a car," said the 39-year-old mechanic.
This is part of a larger initiative to revive all the engines, says Uday Singh Mina, director of the museum. He told TOI that it will take six to nine months for the trains to be repaired. The museum is celebrating 160 years of Indian Railways.
Khan's first job will be to get the Matheran Rail Car-899, a 12-seater wooden train that has a Graham-Paige petrol-run engine with 30 brake horsepower, working. "The Graham Brothers' logo on the radiator makes it a significant specimen because it indicates that the chassis was built in 1929 as all units built after that date carried a Dodge Brothers badge (which is also there)," said Mina. "It is possible the unit was 'in stock' at the Great Britain Dodge Brothers' facility while the railway undercarriage and other modifications were completed on the chassis and body, with final delivery as late as in 1932. The rail car was gifted to us in the '80s by Adam Peerbhoy, a wealthy merchant from Pune. But it was not in a working condition when it came here. After reading the TOI report, we found our man as we were on the lookout for a guy with the expertise to repair vintage car engines."
Khan is prepared for the new task. He has already procured some of the parts that will be needed for the train. "My grandfather was from UP and a mechanic too. A family in Bareilly, known to my family, had recently disposed of a Dodge Power Wagon. I bought all the parts, including tail and headlights. If other parts are needed, then the rail museum will help as they also have their workshop," said Khan.
The Nizamuddin mechanic will also work on the 1914 John Morris Fire Engine gifted by the Nizam of Hyderabad. "The fire engine is in a working condition and it is one of the oldest entries in vintage and classic car rallies. But the oil pipe leaks a lot and needs regular maintenance," says Khan. The fire engine, before reaching the museum, was in the care of the Lallaguda Carriage and Wagon workshop in Secunderabad.
Google onboard India’s first passenger train journey with doodle
New Delhi: Google on Tuesday marked the 160th anniversary of the first passenger train journey in India with a doodle on its homepage.
The search engine giant takes its visitors on a short journey into the history of Indian Railways, with a train pulled by a steam engine along the palm-lined railway track. The first 'O' of Google depicts the front part of the steam engine of the passenger train.
Though the history of rail transportation in India goes back to 1832, it was only in 1853-54 that that first passenger train service was launched by two railway companies, Great Indian Peninsular Railway (GIPR) and East Indian Railway (EIR).
India has the 4th largest railway network in the world.
Can ELECTRICITY pass through Flash light of the Digital camera to your body??? Yes it is 100% true..!
Can ELECTRICITY pass through Flash light of the Digital camera to your body??? Yes it is 100% true..!

This is a true in...cidence reported of a boy aged 19, who was studying in 1st year of engineering, who died in Keshvani Hospital, Mumbai. He was admitted in the Hospital as a burned patient. Reason ??????
This boy had gone to Amravati (a place located in State of Maharashtra ) on a study tour, on their return they were waiting at the railway station to catch the train. Many of them started taking pictures of their friends using "Mobile Phones" and / or "Digital Camera". One of them complained that, he was unable to capture the full group of friends in one frame in the Digicam.
This boy moved away to a distance to get the whole group.
He failed to notice that at an angle above his head, 40,000 volts electrical line was passing through.
As soon as he clicked the digital camera? 40,000 volt current passed through the camera flash light to his camera and then from his camera to his fingers & to his body. All this happened within a fraction of a second. His body was half burned.
They arranged for an ambulance & his burned body was brought to Keshavani Hospital, Mumbai.
For one & half days or so he was conscious & talking. Doctors did not have much hopes as there was a lot of complex issues in his body. He passed away later.
Now how many of us are aware about these technical threats & dangers? Even if we are, how many of us are adhering??
Now should we call ourselves as educated and knowledgeable people?
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ ▼
* Please avoid mobile phones on petrol outlets.
* Please avoid talking on mobile phones while driving.
* Change that "Chalta Hai Yaar Attitude".
* Please avoid talking on mobile phones while kept in charging mode without disconnecting from wall socket.
* Please do not keep mobile phones on your bed while charging and / on wooden furniture.
* Avoid using mobile phones / Digital cameras near high voltage electrical lines like in railway stations and avoid using flash.
This is a true in...cidence reported of a boy aged 19, who was studying in 1st year of engineering, who died in Keshvani Hospital, Mumbai. He was admitted in the Hospital as a burned patient. Reason ??????
This boy had gone to Amravati (a place located in State of Maharashtra ) on a study tour, on their return they were waiting at the railway station to catch the train. Many of them started taking pictures of their friends using "Mobile Phones" and / or "Digital Camera". One of them complained that, he was unable to capture the full group of friends in one frame in the Digicam.
This boy moved away to a distance to get the whole group.
He failed to notice that at an angle above his head, 40,000 volts electrical line was passing through.
As soon as he clicked the digital camera? 40,000 volt current passed through the camera flash light to his camera and then from his camera to his fingers & to his body. All this happened within a fraction of a second. His body was half burned.
They arranged for an ambulance & his burned body was brought to Keshavani Hospital, Mumbai.
For one & half days or so he was conscious & talking. Doctors did not have much hopes as there was a lot of complex issues in his body. He passed away later.
Now how many of us are aware about these technical threats & dangers? Even if we are, how many of us are adhering??
Now should we call ourselves as educated and knowledgeable people?
* Please avoid mobile phones on petrol outlets.
* Please avoid talking on mobile phones while driving.
* Change that "Chalta Hai Yaar Attitude".
* Please avoid talking on mobile phones while kept in charging mode without disconnecting from wall socket.
* Please do not keep mobile phones on your bed while charging and / on wooden furniture.
* Avoid using mobile phones / Digital cameras near high voltage electrical lines like in railway stations and avoid using flash.
Trackmen want ‘undignified’ roll call scrapped - Indian Express
Trackmen want ‘undignified’ roll call scrapped - Indian Express
Around 2.6 lakh railwaymen have started a clamour for ending a 100-year-old practice prevalent in the Indian Railways that, they say, is a needless hangover from the British era. Citing "dignity of labour", they have urged Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal to put an end to the archaic rule of "roll call" for trackmen — known as track maintainers — to mark attendance, saying it is humiliating in this day and age.
Every morning, while their fellow railwaymen and officers mark their attendance by signing in a register, trackmen have to stand before a gangman and mark their presence in a roll call.
In their letter to the minister, they have cited the fact that all the other similar cadres in the railways whose nature of work mostly involve manual labour have long since started signing for attendance, which, they have said, is the "dignified" way.
"This outdated system has never been considered for change by the ministry. The educated track maintainers feel humiliated and insulted while in other departments the system of signing the attendance register is already in vogue," the letter written through the National Federation for Indian Railwaymen says.
The demand has somewhat flummoxed policymakers in the Railway Board, who never anticipated that an innocuous practice of roll call could spark such indignation. For the Railways, the issue is also one of utility. Prior to 1992, the job of trackmen did not require educational qualification. As a result, a large number of trackmen is still unlettered and hence, unable to sign. "The system of roll calling helps during inspections to see that attendance is not misrepresented. Why change a system that works fine?" said a senior official.
The trackmen have argued that over the past two decades, the Railways have implemented minimum qualification of eighth pass and then 10th pass, resulting in a larger number of track maintainers who are able to read and write.
Around 2.6 lakh railwaymen have started a clamour for ending a 100-year-old practice prevalent in the Indian Railways that, they say, is a needless hangover from the British era. Citing "dignity of labour", they have urged Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal to put an end to the archaic rule of "roll call" for trackmen — known as track maintainers — to mark attendance, saying it is humiliating in this day and age.
Every morning, while their fellow railwaymen and officers mark their attendance by signing in a register, trackmen have to stand before a gangman and mark their presence in a roll call.
In their letter to the minister, they have cited the fact that all the other similar cadres in the railways whose nature of work mostly involve manual labour have long since started signing for attendance, which, they have said, is the "dignified" way.
"This outdated system has never been considered for change by the ministry. The educated track maintainers feel humiliated and insulted while in other departments the system of signing the attendance register is already in vogue," the letter written through the National Federation for Indian Railwaymen says.
The demand has somewhat flummoxed policymakers in the Railway Board, who never anticipated that an innocuous practice of roll call could spark such indignation. For the Railways, the issue is also one of utility. Prior to 1992, the job of trackmen did not require educational qualification. As a result, a large number of trackmen is still unlettered and hence, unable to sign. "The system of roll calling helps during inspections to see that attendance is not misrepresented. Why change a system that works fine?" said a senior official.
The trackmen have argued that over the past two decades, the Railways have implemented minimum qualification of eighth pass and then 10th pass, resulting in a larger number of track maintainers who are able to read and write.
Interest rate on General Provident Fund (GPF) during the year 2013-2014
Interest rate on General Provident Fund (GPF) during the year 2013-2014
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 10:55 AM PDT
Resolution – accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the GPF and other similar funds – 2012-2013
The funds concerned are :-
1. The General Provident Fund (Central Services).
2. The Contributory Provident Fund (India).
3. The All India Services Provident Fund.
4. The State Railway Provident Fund.
5. The General Provident Fund (Defence Services).
6. The Indian Ordnance Department Provident Fund.
7. The Indian Ordnance Factories Workmen’s Provident Fund.
8. The Indian Naval Dockyard Workmen’s Provident Fund.
9. The Defence Services Officers Provident Fund.
10. The Armed Forces Personnel Provident Fund.
2. Ordered that the Resolution be published in Gazette of India.
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Economic affairs)
New Delhi, the 8th April, 2013
It is announced for general information that during the year 2013-2014, accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the General Provident Fund and other similar funds shall carry interest at the rate of 8.7% (Eight point seven per cent) per annum. This rates will be in force during the financial year beginning on 1.4.2013.
The funds concerned are :-
1. The General Provident Fund (Central Services).
2. The Contributory Provident Fund (India).
3. The All India Services Provident Fund.
4. The State Railway Provident Fund.
5. The General Provident Fund (Defence Services).
6. The Indian Ordnance Department Provident Fund.
7. The Indian Ordnance Factories Workmen’s Provident Fund.
8. The Indian Naval Dockyard Workmen’s Provident Fund.
9. The Defence Services Officers Provident Fund.
10. The Armed Forces Personnel Provident Fund.
2. Ordered that the Resolution be published in Gazette of India.
(Peeyush Kumar)
Director (Budget)
Northern Railways / Indian Railways Portal
New Delhi .
For the convenience of rail passengers during the Summer season-2013, Railway has decided to run Special train no. 01061/01062 Lokmanya Tilak T.- Mau- Lokmanya Tilak T. (Weekly)Summer Special as per thefollowing programme:-
01061/01062Lokmanya Tilak T.- Mau-Lokmanya Tilak T (Weekly) Summer Special (22 trips)
01061 Lokmanya Tilak T.- Mau (Weekly) Summer Special train will depart from Lokmanya Tilak T. at 01.20 pm on every Wednesday from 17.04.3013 to 26.06 2013 (11 trips) to reach Mauat 07.55 p.m. the next day. In the return direction, the 01062 Mau- Lokmanya Tilak T. (Weekly)Summer Special train will depart from Mau at 09.30 pm on every Thrusday from 18.04.13 to 27.06.13 (11 trips) to reach Lokmanya Tilak T at 04.10 a.m. the third day.
Consisting of One AC 2-tier, one AC 3-tier,seven sleeper class,six general class and two disabled friendly second class cum luggage van coaches, the 01061/01062 Lokmanya Tilak T.- Mau- Lokmanya Tilak T. (Weekly) Summer Special train will stop at Kalyan, Igatpuri, Nasik Road,Manmad, Jalgaon, Bhusawal, Khandwa, Itarsi, Pipariya, Narsinghpur,Jabalpur,Katni,Maihar,Satna,Manikpur,Mirzapur,Varanasi,Jaunpur& Aunihar stations enroute in both the directions.
01683/01684Bhopal-Lucknow Jn-Bhopal(Weekly) Summer Special (24 trips)
The 01683 Bhopal-Lucknow Jn (Weekly) Summer Special train will depart from Bhopal at 10.00 am on every Thursday from 11.04.3013 to 27.06 2013 (12 trips) to reach Lucknow Jn at 08.35 p.m. the same day. In the return direction, the 01684 Lucknow Jn-Bhopal (Weekly)Summer Special train will depart from Lucknow at 11.30 pm on every Thrusday from 11.04.13 to 27.06.13 (12 trips) to reach Bhopal at 11.30 a.m. the next day.
Consisting of One AC 2-tier, two AC 3-tier, ten sleeper class, four general class and two disabled friendly second class cum luggage van coaches, the 01683/01684 Bhopal-Lucknow Jn-Bhopal(Weekly) Summer Special (12 trips) will stop at Bina, Lalitpur ,Jhansi,Orai,Pokhrayan and Kanpur centralstations enroute in both the directions.
09003/09004Mumbai Central-New Delhi- Mumbai Central (Bi-Weekly) Summer Special Train (46 trips)
The 09003 Mumbai Central-New Delhi (Bi-Weekly) Summer Special Train will depart from Mumbai Central at 07.45 pmon every Tuesday and Saturday from 13.04.3013 to 29.06 2013 (23 trips) to reach New Delhi at 05.35 p.m. the next day. In the return direction, the 09004 New Delhi- Mumbai Central (Bi-Weekly) Summer Special Train will depart from New Delhi at 11.40 pm on every Wednesyday and Sunday from 14.04.13 to 30.06.13 (23 trips) to reach Mumbai Central at 09.15 p.m. the next day.
Consisting of One AC1 class, three AC 2-tier, sevenAC 3-tier coaches, 09003/09004 Mumbai Central-New Delhi- Mumbai Central (Bi-Weekly) Summer Special Train will stop at Borivali, Surat, Vadodara,Ratlam, Kota,SawaiMadhopur,GangapurCity, Hindaun City, Bharatpur &Mathura stations enroute in both the directions.
In addition to running special trains, Northern Railway has increased passenger carrying capacityof several regular Trains by attaching additional coaches.
Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2013- Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
DOPT Orders 2013: Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2013- Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel &Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 8th April, 2013.
Subject :- Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2013- Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
It has been decided to declare Sunday, the 14th April 2013, as a Closed Holiday on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, for all Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India.
2.The above holiday is also being notified in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881(26 of 1881).
3.All Ministries/Departments of Government of India may bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned.
(Ashok Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2013- Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
DOPT Orders 2013: Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2013- Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel &Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 8th April, 2013.
Subject :- Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2013- Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
It has been decided to declare Sunday, the 14th April 2013, as a Closed Holiday on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, for all Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India.
2.The above holiday is also being notified in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881(26 of 1881).
3.All Ministries/Departments of Government of India may bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned.
(Ashok Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Complaint Management
Consists of the following
online application.
Web and SMS based
Complaint Management
Computerized booking of
Retiring Room
Computerized booking of
Cloak Room
All the zonal, Production
Unit and Training institutes
web sites are now centrally
hosted and maintained.
Complaint Management
System deals with online
complain regarding any
grievances pertaining to
railways for quick
redressal of grievances.
35 Locations of Retiring
room is now
2 Location of Cloak Room
is computerized.
IR web portal provides the single
point access to all the relevant
information pertaining to Indian
Running successfully since
year 2010
36 Railway web sites are
online under IR web
Portal since January 2010
Web Site Web and SMS based Complaint Mgmt.System Retiring Room Cloak Room
October 2010 October 2010 October 2010
Time Line
2007 2007-2008 2009 2010 2010
SNo. What? Since Pending with
1 Lack of nominated centralized web-masters of Zonal Railways 2010 Railways
2 Peripheral equipments(Thin Clients,Printers,Networking
Equipments) for Retiring Room and Cloak Room needs to be
maintained by Railways
2010 Railways
2 Content of web sites(Bilingual) are not updated by web masters 2010 Railways
IR Portal is for the benefit of Indian Railways.
36 web sites have been migrated in IR Web Portal with standardized look-n-feel and
Web and SMS Complaint Management System has given the Railways a avenue to receive
Public grievances and address then quickly.
by Railway
Study and
Web sites
Complaint Mgmt system,
Cloak Room and Retiring
Room application online
[Type text]
Retiring Room application has enabled Network booking along with transparency .
Rugged and secured Central Architecture.
State of the art technology implemented.
Well accepted by the users and web masters.complant managment
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